Fire Pro Wrestling World Cage Escape Rate

Data from game version 0.9003

Base Table

These values are used as indices into a few other tables. Higher values typically mean "escape sooner", while lower values typically mean "make sure the opponent can't stop me from escaping."

Fight Style Flex/33 == 0 Flex/33 == 1 Flex/33 == 2
Orthodox 2 4 6
Technician 3 5 7
Amateur 2 3 4
Ground 2 3 4
Power 3 4 5
American 4 6 8
Junior 4 6 8
Luchador 3 5 7
Heel 2 4 6
Mysterious 2 4 6
Shooter 1 2 3
Fighter 1 2 3
Grappler 1 2 3
Panther 2 4 6
Giant 1 2 3
Vicious 3 5 7

Down Time Table

Goal: Opponent's down time greater than value from table

Index Down Time
1 230
2 225
3 220
4 210
5 200
6 190
7 180
8 170

HP Table

Goal: Opponent HP less than value from table

Index HP Value
1 4096
2 5376
3 8192
4 9472
5 32768
6 32768
7 32768
8 32768

SP Table

Goal: Opponent SP less than value from table

Index SP Value
1 16384
2 20480
3 24576
4 28672
5 32768
6 32768
7 32768
8 32768

"Tiers" Based on the Above Data

Tier Rank Fighting Styles
S American
A Technician
B Orthodox
C Power
D Amateur
E Shooter